System Overview

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ANALYST consists of the following components:-


Import/Export (PISCES, Excel)
Report /PDF Engine
User Interface
Valuation/DCF Engine
Excel Automation
System Settings
User Settings




Existing data can be imported from PISCES 1.5, PISCES 1.6.1, and Microsoft Excel worksheets.


Report/PDF Engine


All reports can be previewed, printed and exported to PDF.  Additional reports can be generated using the built-in report designer.


User Interface


ANALYSTs modern user interface manages a whole range of tasks, ranging from rapid entry of tenant schedules to updating Excel cashflow models using a PISCES data source.


Valuation/DCF Engine (VIPA)


The VIPA engine performs all calculations for traditional valuations and discounted cashflows using established industry standard methods.


Excel Automation


Existing cashflow models are updated through the use of Excel Automation.




All ANALYST models are contained in compressed (or uncompressed) XML files. 


ANALYST models contain the following elements:-





Any number of properties.  Also contains portfolio level growth, indexation and capitalisation profiles.


Units, tenure interests, costs, growth, indexation, rental growth and capitalisation profiles.


Freehold or leasehold interests are specified at the property level, each of which containing a sub-set of units.


Occupational leases, floor areas, void periods, indexation for European leases, capitalisation and rental growth.


Recurring, Non-Recurring, Triggered or Void costs. Costs are specified at the property or portfolio level.

Capitalisation Profile

Rates and method such as Term & Reversion, Hardcore, etc.  Specified at either the portfolio, property or unit level.

Rental Growth Profile

Year on year changes can be stored at the portfolio, property or unit level.

Indexation Profile

Year on year changes can be stored at the portfolio, property or unit level.



System Settings


System Settings consist of global data containing currency scenarios, defaults, property and unit categories, rounding rules, model templates.


System settings are stored globally for all users of the software.


User Settings


User preferences and “most recently used” models are located in User settings.


User settings are stored locally for each user.